Mommy Mommy Dad's been reading Bodyswap stories again and switched places with me. Oh honey let daddy have his fun as a little girl.


Fiction: Something Invented by the Imagination
Mania: Excessive Enthusiasm

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Is this story going to be continued? Has anyone tried to contact the author? I have some problems with the prior review (11/16/13). The makeup in bed complaint is correct. Putting on makeup before bed is just wrong on so many levels. The first and second paragraphs (11/16/13) don't make sense. The third paragraph is not logical. Breast conversion wasn't stopped, it just hasn't occurred yet. With a more careful reading, one should understand that doing the transformation in stages is a planned part of the process. I think the last paragraph suffers from inadequate analysis of the story... I suspect (based upon "clues" in the story) that the inbalance in male/female birth rates was caused by an artificial virus caused by an alien (non-human) currently pretending to be Elizabeth Thorn. The true (hidden) reason for Project Phoenix is to capture Earth Males and transform them into genetically modified concubines that will be transported ("A LONG TRIP, HANNAH...") to another planet. Kevin's fate is uncertain, Hannah may be a triple agent working for a suspicious US president or a rouge element within the FBI that doesn't trust the president. If so, she may save Kevin. However, based upon her other story (Nathan's birthday present, I suspect that if Meg completes this story, Kevin will not regain his manhood, but he may have a small chance of avoiding an eternal hell as a concubine. The one thing that frightens me the most is that Kevin's final planned transformation may be non-human. Elizabeth and maybe Meg may be very cruel; allowing her victims to remember is not ment to be kind, but to inflict mental torture for ETERNITY. I wonder what Hannah will feel when she realizes she may have condemned Kevin to a deliberately hellish existence for ETERNITY??? If I were to finish this story, I would first rewrite the part 2 chapters to change the makeup in bed and correct a major character flaw in Kevin. Kevin is supposed to be an experienced investigative reporter. I can't believe that he wouldn't use his investigative skills. The author is slowly revealing the story by providing clues to the new girls (for the readers benefit - very clever writing). Kevin displays his invvestigative skills by cleverly questioning the staff (scoring two key pieces of the puzzle (immortality of the new girls and the secret of the collars) yet he doesn't ask anything of his new sisters??? If I were Meg and I wanted to be cruel to the readers by including an elaborate plan by Kevin to access one of the staff's computers (but leave it unclear if the access and information obtained were a result of Kevin's plan or Elizabeth's secret assistance)!!! If this were my story, Elizabeth would fail and suffer a fate similar to what she planned for Kevin. The way Meg has developed the story so far (and her prior story), Elizabeth is likely to win if she completes the story, but we won't know unless someone can contact her and urge her to complete the story (OR as an option just disclose the plot...
Project Phoenix Part 2 Chapter 3     Details
Good character development, needs proof reading. Mr. Ram
Slots II     Details
Charming little story, good Mimi character.
Cleaning Up The Mess     Details
I would guess that most of the males that come to Fiction Mania would willingly accept such a fate as that that befalls our hero in this story. Nicely written and enjoyable.
Smile     Details
Loved the current story.........would like to see the sequel with Michelle....trying different female forms........and Jim teaching "her" the that the two of them might both become women......and fall in love with one far the story's great
Strings     Details

Fictionmania was selected by the readers of the International Transgendered Online Magazine for their First Annual Excellence in Transgender Award for 1999. Click on the logo to visit their site. This is an award that must be shared with all the authors, artists, chat moderators, volunteers, people that have sent in images for the random title images and people that have sent in suggestions to make Fictionmania a better site. Thanks and Hugs to everybody that made it possible for Fictionmania to win this award!


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