Andrea, formerly Andrew, screamed into her phone, "Graeme I don't care if you are watching the match at the pub with your mates, of whom I used to be one. Get home now, the baby's coming."


Fiction: Something Invented by the Imagination
Mania: Excessive Enthusiasm

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Random Reviews

This is one of the best stories I have read in a long time, PLEASE!!!!hurry and finish it I can't wait to see how it turns out.What kind of fake vagina will the good Doctor give him ?and how will he adjust to his new breasts? Wiol his girlfriend ever find him, I'm looking forward to the next part.
Black Lace     Details
Well written and suspenseful. I typically do not care much for "transformation" stories, especially where magic is involved, but this one got me to suspend my disbelief long enough to enjoy a good story. I think one thing that makes this story good is that it can stand on its own as a very readable story -- a kind of mystery -- in which the transformation is merely a main plot ingredient. I think this one might even be mainstream marketable, that is, marketable OUTSIDE of so-called "fetish press" publications. Robyn Jodie
Kid Sister     Details
Ellie, this is the first time I've managed to read the story through completely. For personal reasons, I'm ***VERY*** uncomfortable with the thought of being turned back into a child. Add in the unwarrented and nonconsensual gender change on top on that.... Even though I know and like your work very well, and I'd read the reviews telling me that this was a bad change turned to good, AND I'd jumped over the middle to the end every time before this once, today was the first time I could say I read the whole thing. Why did 'Mommy Dearest' fixate on changing Alex into a not yet 10 y/o girl? Not to get revenge on the father, when the spell changed reality--HE wouldn't know any different. So it either had to be to 'punish' Alex and/or sooth a need she felt to have a daughter. I'd opt for the first, given the degree of age regression and where the age ended up being set. While I do applaud consciousness raising and giving SOBs their 'due' , I've often had an otherwise fine story ruined by femnazi overkill or self-dispisement. BB has 2 flaws. 1) There is only Anya and grandmothers vigilance to prevent uncorrectable mistakes. Beyond this, there is no safety net of justice or compassion. 2) There is a STRONG streak of FEmale chuavanism(sp?). A story like this one is rare, where BB protects the male from the female. I've read stories where the SOBs credental were built up excessively and yet when the boom is lowered, I end up feeling sorry for the SOB to *some* degree. Ellie, *your* stories have always been tempered by compassion and/or a sense of proportion. *THAT* is why I like your stories so much! It doesn't hurt that you treat your readers as holders of 3 digit IQs and care about using the English language with respect. I am rarely unhappy for having read one of your stories! Unlike many others. Blessings, Brett
Bikini Beach: Mommy's Girl     Details
A very humanized character and good deal of TG wit. Probably how I would feel if I went through the same thing as Terrence. Very realistic portrayal. Bravo. Thank you for writing it.
Tiffany     Details
i love the way that this story flows like silk in the wind.i plan keeping up on this grand story .you have a real talent may you never loose it!!keep the art of your heart strong!
Charlotte's Niece     Details

Fictionmania was selected by the readers of the International Transgendered Online Magazine for their First Annual Excellence in Transgender Award for 1999. Click on the logo to visit their site. This is an award that must be shared with all the authors, artists, chat moderators, volunteers, people that have sent in images for the random title images and people that have sent in suggestions to make Fictionmania a better site. Thanks and Hugs to everybody that made it possible for Fictionmania to win this award!


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