"No, no NO," Tom moaned "I was supposed to be Elvis!"


Fiction: Something Invented by the Imagination
Mania: Excessive Enthusiasm

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To answer some questions from both here and elsewhere...yes, the characters are based on real people (albeit under different names), both in physical attributes and personality. If you couldn't tell, the author was in the Navy and this account is written the way Jack would have written it, laced with the basic terminology of his world. Trish's bra size might seem unreal, but I actually toned it down slightly from what her real counterpart wears today (she used to be a 34H, now she's a 36H and even that's getting to be too restrictive). In fact, there's more truth to this story than fiction...the fun is trying to figure out which is which. I will finish the story if I can figure out how to keep it from turning into another Joe Bates saga (no offense there...I selected the name Jack Bateman for my hero as a tribute to those anonymous stories). I promise, though, I won't leave Jack and Trish hanging too long. Thank you for all the comments...I am paying attention to each one and will use them to help me write further installments.
Personnel Transfer     Details
Love this story. Part II is even better than part I. I can't wait to see what future changes "Sweetie" makes in future installments. Keep up the good work.
Sweetie Part II     Details
Thank you for all your comments. I am sorry that you have not enjoyed this. This is not what has happened to me but it has happened to a friend of mine in the USA. I have known him for a couple of years and we have kept contact. I spoke to him on the phone and we tapped this out together. He used to be a finance manager in a electrical company but since meeting his wife, they are very happy together. I have passed your comments onto him and he would like to write a fuller version of events. If this happens, I promise to post it for you. Best regards, Sally-Anne.
A Day In My Life     Details
Wow, this is the best story I have read here in a long time! Well done! If I had to change one thing, I would have preferred Edie to end up with a man than with a woman...just a matter of personal perference. oherwise, very close to perfection!
The Bowler     Details
Cheryl Lynn, this was fantastic darling! A sissy beauty parlor, elaborate do's and costuming. You are a girl after my own heart. I'm going to reluctant right now to check your stuff out. Felish the Dish.
Paulette     Details

Fictionmania was selected by the readers of the International Transgendered Online Magazine for their First Annual Excellence in Transgender Award for 1999. Click on the logo to visit their site. This is an award that must be shared with all the authors, artists, chat moderators, volunteers, people that have sent in images for the random title images and people that have sent in suggestions to make Fictionmania a better site. Thanks and Hugs to everybody that made it possible for Fictionmania to win this award!


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Welcome to Fictionmania. Here you will find a rich and detailed website encompassing a wide range of transgender fiction. Currently, the FictionMania website is maintained by a varied group of authors and individuals who enjoy transgender fiction. Fictionmania's html is being tweaked and revised on a constant basis. Please provide feed back if you experience any problems with the site. New features are added from time to time. So keep an eye on What's New to see the latest changes.

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This site will have some very powerful features never found before on any transgendered fiction archive.

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