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Okay. I've changed my mind a bit from my previous comments. I still don't like Tim's reaction to Penny's comments at the end; I think it's out of character, but maybe she did him a favor. Without Penny's comment: The next day, Tim, back in boy mode, grabs his baseball glove and goes down to the ball field expecting that all will be back to normal - after all everyone knows he's not a sissy, took the role for the good of the class. His "friends" the one's who cheered him for his home runs before his "maidenhood" see him and most likely instead of "Hey, Tim's back. Great!" or "Hey Tim, thanks for the trip to Six Flags!" it'll be taunts and jeers for "the sissy". Like being hit by machine gun fire. ** Miss Gilliam entered the room to check on the preparations and then walked over to stand with Mrs. Bedlam. "They look so darling. Twelve absolutely beautiful pretty maidens. Its just like I envisioned last summer!" "And we have Tim to thank for that. Imagine Mary Lou as a maiden!" "I was thinking the same thing myself!" "I don't know how we'll ever be able to see him as a boy again!" The teachers LAUGHED (my capitals) ... ** They recognize that he did them a favor, they recognize that his "reward" for this is never to be viewed as a boy again. They've taken a normal no way transgendered boy who's only crime was being smitten by Penny and being unselfish, and made sure he will be made fun of for as long as he goes to school in and lives in that town. And they laugh. At least with Penny's single shot, he's been warned. Nice guys finish last. No good deed goes unpunished. Crime DOES pay.
Pirates and Maidens     Details
I've just re-read this story and it is definitely one of my favourites. I love everything about it and am now off to read your others. Thanks for a great story.
Ron's Change     Details
Cute little tear jerker. Nice how it worked all out.
The Good Provider     Details
story was interesting but a part of the category says it has to do with transexualism. there's no place in the story that mentions it let alone deals with the subject. rachel is dressed as a woman only to facilitate a homosexual relationship with Brian. there is no sex change content or even reference to such. a definite misnomer.
Brian and Rachel     Details
I am wondering how far Amanda truly means to carry off this crossdressing exercise and if she really wants to live as a male or not. Certainly Dale's reaction to all of this is not what i would have expected. Some resistance should have been put forth, but no, it appears he truly wants to do this since there was 0 resistance. Before Dale, portraying Amanda, takes over the role of a nurse, he should at least try and take some basic first aid and nursing courses, otherwise exposure for who he is becomes very likely in the hospital environ. keep up the good work Samantha! Sephrena Miller
Angel in Disguise Chapter 3     Details

Fictionmania was selected by the readers of the International Transgendered Online Magazine for their First Annual Excellence in Transgender Award for 1999. Click on the logo to visit their site. This is an award that must be shared with all the authors, artists, chat moderators, volunteers, people that have sent in images for the random title images and people that have sent in suggestions to make Fictionmania a better site. Thanks and Hugs to everybody that made it possible for Fictionmania to win this award!


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Welcome to Fictionmania. Here you will find a rich and detailed website encompassing a wide range of transgender fiction. Currently, the FictionMania website is maintained by a varied group of authors and individuals who enjoy transgender fiction. Fictionmania's html is being tweaked and revised on a constant basis. Please provide feed back if you experience any problems with the site. New features are added from time to time. So keep an eye on What's New to see the latest changes.

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This site will have some very powerful features never found before on any transgendered fiction archive.

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