The Enterprise engineers were able to save Data's brain patterns, but they shouldn't have let Wesley design the new body!


Fiction: Something Invented by the Imagination
Mania: Excessive Enthusiasm

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I loved the detail in the story and as a soft, straight male I related to his predicament very much. I would have struggled also with qwhat was happening. I enjoyed the way all the losse ends were tidyed up by the author. Ilove hapy endings.
The Perfect Compromise     Details
I kept on thinking until the first hospital sceen that Frankie/Carla would stay female because of her daddy (he was a better man and happy with his lifea nd loves), mom (she was happy with her life and loves), the baby, and of course a little bit for Mel. I felt that she would be thinking that she "had no choice" and she would do it for her love for them. shalimar
Bikini Beach : A Punks Story     Details
Absolutely wonderful story. By far the longest I have yet to read in the 'Bad Wishing' series but also the happiest ending. It's great to know that Patty has a heart, even if some 'mortals' don't. The character development in this one was especially touching.
Bad Wishing 6: A Little Girl's Chirstmas     Details
Ah, and now we find out what happened with Jessie and Paul on the road, after the tantalizing hints given in the Eerie Saloon: Season of Change story. As such, this story is probably best appreciated by those who've read the other installments, including the original Jessie Hanks: Queen of the Outlaws story, which tells of Jessie's adventures on the run after killing Toby Hess in self defense. There are a few flashbacks here and there, though, reminding us of how Jessie was thinking during those times. She's changed some since those days, having warmed up to Molly (for example) after Molly ended up defending her in the Toby Hess situation. Jessie's been one of my favorite Eerie Saloon characters for a while, and there's been a number of great moments with her. Saving the life of Piety Tyler (Hanna's mother) during the Commanchero incident despite their earlier feud, realizing Molly isn't such a bad person after all, arguing with Shamus over "Collee's Ride" (but yes, that song IS ridiculously long), giving Arnie Diaz shooting lessons, refusing to give Arnie Diaz shooting lessons after finding out Arnie's been stealing from Shamus (the "Even outlaws have rules. You don't steal from your own gang" speech was great), and laying her father to rest (sort of) in the special. This story might give a few new favorites to add to the list. Sending the Cavalry men in the opposite direction from Taklishim's camp, helping Sheriff Whyte after the scorpion sting, facing off against Dev Fisher, and figuring out Dandy Jim's deception were good bits. As well as her wanting to keep that promise she made to Hanna despite everything. I noticed how you balanced out the depictions of the Apaches in this story. While yes, the Apaches are the victims of the white men displacing them and taking away their land and their hunting grounds, different portions of the Apache nation respond differently. Some, like Taklishim's group, take a 'You don't hurt us, we don't hurt you' stance, but others are not as merciful as we see later on in the story. Back then, there was certainly plenty of violence and prejudice from both white men and Native American alike, which certainly did not help to make relations between them better. Not everything is neatly resolved; neither Barlow's true killer nor Dandy Jim are actually apprehended or brought to justice, but at least Jessie is cleared of the murder and helps to figure out just how Dandy Jim pulled off those robberies. But that's being realistic, I suppose. Not everything can be wrapped up in a neat little package. Station Master Cole Hoyle just might be a new favorite bit player, as I loved how he handled the situation with Dev Fisher. He won a lot of awesome points from me in that scene. This story is a lot tighter and more focused than the Seasons of Change stories, as it only concentrates on a few characters, whereas Seasons of Change has a huge cast of characters and several different plotlines competing for attention. Don't get me wrong - the Seasons of Change stories are good, it's just that there's so many characters in them that there should be a 'Dramatis Personae' for reference so that people can be reminded of who many of the recurring non-main characters are. All in all, this was a pretty good story. However, as I said in the other review, it's probably best appreciated by those who've read the other Eerie Saloon stories.
Jessie Hanks Outlaw Queen: The Cameo Murder (Part 2 of 2)     Details
Thanks for the thoughts; shout outs to my peeps Melissa, black, jack and all the others. (for the ironically impaired, the use of the word "peeps" was completely tongue in cheek.) There is of course much more to come in the story of Jeremy, the schlumpy analyst qua whore; stay tuned. One of the functions of this story, and I speak squarely for myself here, is to point out the more cliched aspects of this type of stroke fiction. It is one thing to observe the surface of a cliche; it is entirely another to climb within that overused convention and explode it from the inside out. So the notion that this story is somehow untrue to its premises is of course absurd, and completely misses the point. Stated differently, you can't explode a convention unless you first embrace it. The skewering of low quality porn here at fictionmania will continue, as will hopefully will a few boners in the reading public. Hey, I know that is terribly theoretical -- just watch to see the next sex filled installment -- which will have its world exclusive premiere at Yeah it's a pay site, but if we all bitch at the site owner -- cute little thing at [email protected], it will be in a free preview area. Of course, if you want some high quality raunch right now -- cruise on over to the 'sister, the luv, pirategrrl.
Given the Chance to Change     Details

Fictionmania was selected by the readers of the International Transgendered Online Magazine for their First Annual Excellence in Transgender Award for 1999. Click on the logo to visit their site. This is an award that must be shared with all the authors, artists, chat moderators, volunteers, people that have sent in images for the random title images and people that have sent in suggestions to make Fictionmania a better site. Thanks and Hugs to everybody that made it possible for Fictionmania to win this award!


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