"Who said the second baby was easier?" cried Theo, now in the third year of the bodyswap with Simone. "Keep pushing," said the midwife.


Fiction: Something Invented by the Imagination
Mania: Excessive Enthusiasm

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Women are the gentler and fairer sex ... usually ... but not always, as we can certainly see here. Everyone's birth names my have started with "J", but mother and little sister share a more apt name: "Bitch". And it will only get worse, no doubt, before it gets resolved. Unfortunately, I am afraid that Ann is too polite and cultured and respects Jack's feelings too much to tell these two where to go and how to get there.
Small Beginnings (Chapter 9)     Details
Dunno why, but I think this is one of the best SRU stories I've read. It sort of hits you at the end instead of going through that same old routine at the store. At the same time, you get to see how the character is dealing with her changes in the future, instead of reading about the changes and her shock thereof. Good story! :)
SRU: Blessed with Breasts     Details
Ich muss sagen, das mir der erste Teil sehr gut gefallen hat, mich der zweite jedoch wirklich noch einmal überrascht hat. Grade eben kann ich dir nichtmal genau sagen ob positiv oder negativ. Ich mag deinen Schreibstil wirklich sehr und ich kann mich wirklich gut in Nicole hineinversetzen. Ich musste auch dem Kommentar unter dem ersten Teil recht geben, dass Nicole viel mehr Potential hat als nur eine devote Dienerin zu werden. Ich hoffe, dass du den Gedanken nicht komplett vernachlässigst, dafür war ihre Rolle in diesem Teil zu gut geschrieben, jedoch würde ich auch gern etwas sinnlichere Aktionen haben, so wie es das Ende dieses Teils schon andeutet. Ich wünsche mir, dass meine Schreibversuche auch so toll wären wie das hier, dann wäre ich wahrscheinlich nur noch am Schreiben :) Bleib auf deinem Kurs, führe diese Geschichte weiter und spann uns dabei möglichst nicht ZU lang auf die Folter.
Mein Zweites Leben (2)     Details
Excellent story, but what of Diana? The story would be more believable if the Sisters were more religious and there was more overt belief in the Goddess. It's still quite realistic. There actually is a Temple of Diana in Great Britain ( I don't know the details of it). It is mentioned on some of the ritual abuse boards. And it parallels some of the stories of people in India who are kidnapped by the Hejra.
The Sisterhood of Diana     Details
Reminds me of "Hills like white elephants". It too made no sense to me. It seems more of a teaser for a story than a story itself. And why was it rated X? There is no sex, no adult situations, not even any nudity. And the number of 50 cent words was uncalled for given the subject and expected audience of the piece. Julie, not one of your better efforts. Dayna.
Reunion Day     Details

Fictionmania was selected by the readers of the International Transgendered Online Magazine for their First Annual Excellence in Transgender Award for 1999. Click on the logo to visit their site. This is an award that must be shared with all the authors, artists, chat moderators, volunteers, people that have sent in images for the random title images and people that have sent in suggestions to make Fictionmania a better site. Thanks and Hugs to everybody that made it possible for Fictionmania to win this award!


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