Jake demanded equal rights when he heard they only allowed girls to help decorate for the party. Damn, he cursed himself silently!


Fiction: Something Invented by the Imagination
Mania: Excessive Enthusiasm

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Bastards!!! All goody two shoe governments everywhere are fronts for (evil eg.neo nazi, racist, fanatics, homo phobic, bigoted pigs). Your story struck a raw nerve with me. Our Australian government"No different" oh Your story is Fantastic. Please may i have some more? Love you all! Bye. Greg.
Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 4     Details
Cat and Mouse: The Whale, Part 2     Details
Wow. Thank you for a story that touched my heart and psyche on so many levels. I particularly found the duel time lines weaving back and forth both inspirational and titillating. A methodology that keeps the interest perked, does not allow the writer to get bogged down in the weeds of overly minute verbal descriptiveness, while allowing enough information about the characters(I'm thinking your own)growth to keep the reader longing for more. When last you expressed the psychological forensic evidence of how you viewed your personal life's journey over a decade ago, it typically involved the ideology of being 'physically coerced.' Some fourteen years later your newest missive seems to indicate that you have embraced your sissy persona in a positive way. In that you seemingly recognize that the latest psychological manifestations of your physical actions are not a symptom but a cause. One which leads me to suspect that if there is a sequel to this recent posting it will express the fact that you have recognized that you are neither a put upon misunderstood male nor a wannabe faux woman. But rather that you have come to recognize that the yearnings to be submissive to others stems from a realization that you are a member of that unique third sex known by the euphemism of 'Sissy'. As a former professional athlete and subsequent poster boy for all things masculine I can well understand the reticence that you originally brought to your writings in terms of wanting to have an escape route for the why of 'Whatever' made me do it. A concept originally masked behind the humor of Chip Wilson saying, "The devil made me do it." The why is you and you alone, driven by the internal wiring that makes you unique. I share in this kind of individual revelation in that one often wants to mask their inner yearnings behind that selfsame cloud of, 'it was beyond my control'. To that end I would like to provide you a ray of hope in the form of my own recent epiphany that there is a rainbow at the other end of your journey from faux masculine pride to sissified serendipity. Over the last several years I have on occasion somewhat outed myself by doing things that let others know who I really am and how I perceive myself. From going about the town in NH that I live in, be it the grocery store, post office or mall attired in an effeminate manner that is unbecoming my declared macho Id. A transition I recently took to a whole new stratosphere by taking a position as a domestic at the estate of the somewhat eccentric Perry Mason like attorney whom I previously had worked for as both an investigator and independent paralegal. A self demeaning social status change from my former manly status as a Paul Drake private dick persona, which subsequently evolved into the quasi sexually neutral position of being a Della Street like paralegal/secretary, only to now be cast in the visage of a Hazel like maid. A chain of career moves that in truth provided me with a sense of purpose regardless of the economical and social ramifications it brought to my doorstep. What made it extra pleasing was the fact that it was done so with the support of my ex-wife and mother of my children who a decade before had left me for being a misogynistic bore, but who had remained my best friend. A true friend who had come to recognize my inner conundrum and who got ahead of the curve in seeing the true inner me. The first person who now embraced me for having recognized my true position in the totem-pole of sexual orientation. A simpering sissy, whose main calling is the adoration of all things feminine. To wit she not only guided me down my pathway of emotional freedom, but one instrumental in helping me learn the finer attributes of submissiveness such as the lost art of a proper curtsey and the mind set of knowing when and to whom to grace it with. Which in my case has come to mean almost everyone I meet. In addition to helping me see that I never was meant to be a real man in terms of the lack of true manly attributes I brought to the table, she also helped me see the fact that I could never fulfill what it takes to be a woman either. An in your face realization that while I am not really a man, regardless of my physical appendages, that I can never do justice to the concept of presenting myself as a facsimile of a true woman either in spite of my very girlish physiognomy. For truth be told as she so vividly pointed out I lacked the emotional balls to be either. To that end I am pleased to inform you that the truth will set you free if one lets it...you and I were always intended to be sissies. A declaration evidenced by my own personal family experience. I was recently invited to a family reunion in which, as the senior surviving member and titular head of the clan, I was cast as having responsibility for providing a Laird of the Glen persona. Faced with the options of mask or flight I decided it was time to see if the aforementioned state of veracity in terms of my true emasculated state would keep me in good standing. To that end I neither went in my traditional clan kilted attire, nor the usual leather and jeans attire which had become my standard jock facade uniform over the years, but instead opted for a fashion statement that left no doubt as to how I now perceived myself. An ensemble centered around the chiffon empire waist navy blue with white polka dot pleated knee length dress my mother had worn to bring me home from the hospital the day I was born. An item that I had zealously secreted away from my mother's chifforobe upon my reaching adolescence and my realization that my adoration of her extended beyond the emotional. A piece of feminine fluff that I had privately played dress up in during my formative years, but which I cast off as unbecoming once I reached high school and put on the jock persona that subsequently was my 'badge of honor' for several decades to come. Nevertheless for reasons I could not verbalize I had kept it packaged in the back of my closet all the ensuing years under the guise of sentimentalism. As you may well imagine my presentation attired in such caused quite the stir. However I am proud to state that at the end of the day my younger siblings to a man (and woman)accepted me, albeit a few raised the question of, "What took you so long." An inquiry that has since caused me to realize that we sometimes fail to see the sun because of clouds we put on our own horizon. To that end I thank you for this apparent revelation of your own growth, as well as the style with which you state it literally. Please keep up the good work. My hopes are that you translate your own sissified evolution onto paper by means of scribing your hero/heroines/neither of the above neutered next step on the road to recognizing his own third sex status. One that will only reach true fruition with the need of accepting it within his soul as well as the functionality of exhibiting it before others both emotionally and physically. To that end I would suggest that his well intentioned mistress once she has planted the seed of needed submissiveness into his soul, help him to accept the fact that he is now in essence a sexless being by introducing him to a state of permanent chastity. For a sissy can only come to terms with itself when it recognizes that regardless of whether it perceives itself as straight or gay, its only concern moving forward is the physical satisfaction of others. For its personal satisfaction can only truly be found in the psychological inner orgasms that can only truly come when the betraying symbol of its former faux masculinity has been rendered physically rendundant so as to match the effeminate state of his true pansy persona. Once again thank you for this insight that has bolstered my own pledge to being the best sissy I can possibly be. respectfully yours with endless curtsies offered up at your feet, Sissy 'Gracie' Gray.
Sissy Situation     Details
It's not looking good for Jane up to now. Her aggressive attitude seems to be continuing and not going down too well with the girls. Maybe this could be dealt with in the future by neutering?
From Unwanted Guy to Maid and Slave Part 10     Details
A cock cage does wonders to keep that useless clit of yours from bounding up when least expected. My husband has been wearing one for months and it has helped to make him even more submissive and docile. You two should get together sometime: he has a lot to teach you what to expect. Fun story: more please! xoxoxoxox Rosalyn
Panties for Life     Details

Fictionmania was selected by the readers of the International Transgendered Online Magazine for their First Annual Excellence in Transgender Award for 1999. Click on the logo to visit their site. This is an award that must be shared with all the authors, artists, chat moderators, volunteers, people that have sent in images for the random title images and people that have sent in suggestions to make Fictionmania a better site. Thanks and Hugs to everybody that made it possible for Fictionmania to win this award!


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