Halfway through Hugo's week when he was transformed into Heather, his friend Jack asked if she fancied playing games. As she struggled, she wished she'd asked more questions before saying yes.


Fiction: Something Invented by the Imagination
Mania: Excessive Enthusiasm

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Random Reviews

Dear Patricia,

i hardly know what to say. i have read more stories in this vein, and simalar ones, than i can even remember. Your story, however, tops them all. It really blew me away. It had all the elements of a genuinely good story. It kept me riveted from beginning to end and left me wanting more. Best of all, it was extremely well written. No one could call this story pornographic. It is true erotocism in the same class as the Victorian novelists. i will certainly be looking for other stories written by you.


Penny James

Altered Vows     Details
Storywise --- I like it, you kept my glued to read on and on til the end. I did not like the ending, and there could have been many variations at any point in this story. I can see how Carl did what he did, and how he felt. He had no chance for this to ever be easy for him. Characterwise --- Carl/a -- strong enough to die for what he believe in -- a true marine til the end. Gloria -- heartless bitch - enough said Vice-President -- well there are laws against sexual discrimination, and working in a hostile workplace. What a jerk!!! You would think that Carl the Top litigator in the firm would be able to handle a simple harassment suit. A great part two of the story would have the wife tried for murder. Could a district attorney pin that on her, after she openly confessed? Would the VP testify against her? ===================================================== A variation on the story would have a hypnotist be able to allow him to wear other women's clothes without the bad reaction. Not necessarily de-programming, just re-programming. Then the Dr Speck wakes up, bu4 he can not undo the damage from the second doctor's reprogramming....
Hypnotized Into Wearing Dresses     Details
I found this story again after reading it many months ago. It has remained fresh and I love the build up as Josh finally sees what's happening to him.
Team Spirit     Details
Hi. I was gonna comment on the words like spill vs spiel amongst others, but I see someone has beat me to the gun. I'll just say that the story is interesting and very involved in character development. Its very boring in places. You also keep changing the point of view from person to person but keeping the first person way of telling the story. Its very confusing to have I refer to the doctor then I referring to Billie then to another patient. I think with a lot of "tightning" of the plot while keeping the overall story line will improve this story dramatically. Perhaps after I read part two I'll have a different opinion. Its like the story so far is all exposition... no tension. hugs, Danielle. ps. inspite of its flaws... its a good read.
Drug Induced Genetic Mutation, DIGEM Part 1     Details
Very confusing story. I think that the author was so eager to describe the scenes that they forgot to walk the readers though what happened. As the creator of the story Belinda knows what is going on, she has to try and convey that to the audience.
Another View     Details

Fictionmania was selected by the readers of the International Transgendered Online Magazine for their First Annual Excellence in Transgender Award for 1999. Click on the logo to visit their site. This is an award that must be shared with all the authors, artists, chat moderators, volunteers, people that have sent in images for the random title images and people that have sent in suggestions to make Fictionmania a better site. Thanks and Hugs to everybody that made it possible for Fictionmania to win this award!


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