Honest Robo, I will iron you so smooth, you will enjoy going to work with me today as my new dress!


Fiction: Something Invented by the Imagination
Mania: Excessive Enthusiasm

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Hi Sandy, Spoiler alert! The long 123abc passage in Chapter 13, showing how analytical Jamie is, is a great indicator that he will stay a boy physically, that he will turn out to be a sissy, the 70% option, because most real girls aren’t so analytical. But for me, it resonated very well, and was so interesting to read. Love this: “these three boys were all gorgeous, prettier than almost any girl”. Yes, it calls for serious suspension of disbelief, but this is fiction! Oprah! What to wear, and can I bring Isabel for support? Nice girlish moves, Sandy! The phone conversation with Oprah recalled for me an earlier comment about the absent fathers. Since conflict is good for story interest, I’m thinking I’ll try to keep the father in a story, which is not traditional with our stories, is it? It might be interesting to see what happens with various kinds of father personalities, from abusive to sweet? If you’ve done something like this already, great! There’s a difficult question: “Do you like girls or boys?” So hard to know for a sissy that age, and so hard to tell the truth to oneself and others. Sometimes, even as mature adults, we aren’t sure. Life is so complex. Thank goodness! And thank you for handling these delicate issues so deftly, Sandy. For some reason, I’m really attracted to your Leslie character. I wonder why? Could it be that he talks too much too? You perfectly encapsulated the dilemmas of our life here: “I knew I should probably not wear heels, but let's face it, a pair of jeggings and a pretty, feminine sweater top just screamed for a pair of sexy black pumps!” So true. Decisions, decisions! Reading the other reviews before posting mine, I found it interesting how you provoke in readers the desire to have your stories morph into their favorite fantasies. That’s a nice sign of your speaking to someone’s heart, and I totally agree with these girls. The slight difference with me is that I want it all, at least fictionally, so I couldn’t care less where you take us, Sandy, because I know it will be a fun ride! Namaste, Leslie
Isabel's Birthday, Party Part 4     Details
Wow, Wow, Wow!!!!! What a story!!!!!!!
Air Ace vs Heidegger's Horror (part 1)     Details
I have just finished reading part two. It is still holding my attention.. My only real question is this. Will Paula's use of the English language improve as she attends classes ?? It would make sense for it to do so or she isnt really learning anything. ggg
School Girl     Details
Love this story, how it is building. Hopefully she will go for hormones and eventually marries him.. But Leanne please also continue The Date and also Sissy Boy!
A river of surprises chapter 3     Details
Dee, You did an excellent job with your first story. I only wish mine first was as good. And thank you for not trying to "Americanize" it also. It felt very nice to hear a tale from another country told in its own words and not forced into a carbon copy imitation of so many others. Well Done!
SHAMrock Stand-in     Details

Fictionmania was selected by the readers of the International Transgendered Online Magazine for their First Annual Excellence in Transgender Award for 1999. Click on the logo to visit their site. This is an award that must be shared with all the authors, artists, chat moderators, volunteers, people that have sent in images for the random title images and people that have sent in suggestions to make Fictionmania a better site. Thanks and Hugs to everybody that made it possible for Fictionmania to win this award!


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