Says Jubal Doolie to Eerie's deputy: "Call me Julie, Dan. It's time I explained why I surrendered so easily down in Mexico."


Fiction: Something Invented by the Imagination
Mania: Excessive Enthusiasm

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Random Reviews

Is a wonderful little romp into every CD fantasy! Close to a real life experience I had after a church rummage sale. A giant box of foundations (bras, pantys, corsets, etc.) was to be thrown away. I got it and dumped it on the floor of the garage and did the same thing!!
The Panty Store     Details
A wonderfully written story that excellently preserved the tone and theme of Dickens, but it left me with one ironic quandry: Greedy old Scrooge STILL got over someone even after death! (i.e., kicked the original Cathy's life and soul out of her body!)
Scrooge     Details
A really excellent story. I hope you do more soon. Your style leaves the reader with a clenched gut feeling as they read it, awaiting the next fall of the stone as it were. I am hooked. JDG
Room 6     Details
Guest: There actually have been a couple authors in the universe that have written about that topic. Suicides do happen and get labeled as 'accidents' with kids playing with knives or scissors or something. The ones who are in the worst positions though have had enough of their mobility taken from them that they don't have that option. A good chunk of the population is also given hypnosis treatments or brainwashed to be their perfect babies. There's also the fact that littles know their likelihood of independence past 22 is unlikely since more than 60% of the little population is 'adopted.' Thanks for taking the time for the thoughtful comment! Amy: Thanks for commenting!
Seems Too Good To Be True - Chapter 18     Details
I got up this morning around 3:00am. Couldn't sleep. I guess it's one of the after affects of college life during the summer. It takes a while to get back into a normal sleeping pattern. After searching for something to watch on TV for a while, I finally left it on VH1, then searched for a story to read on fictionmania. I was in the mood for something long and emotional. Well, it's 6:00. I've been reading "Wayfarer" for the past three hours. I didn't make it to the end of the story. I got to the point where Robbie askes Joshua to go to La Maze classes with her. After that the words just started running together. Maybe it's just the hour, but this story is damn tiring to read. I'd be surprised if anybody made it to the end without skipping whole sections of it. It's way too serious too. The only time I broke a smile was a scene with Rod in it. "He shrugged his shoulders, nevertheless. There was nothing like the hair of the dog that bit ya!" I think that's kind of pathetic considering Rod is supposed to be the villain in this story. Oh well, after reading for 3 hours, I can pretty much figure out the end even though it hasn't been written yet. There's quite a bit of setup for Robbie and Jenny not to switch back. It's pretty obvious that Barbi is going to stay with Robbie's body in the end. And Rod will do something evil and get punished for it. Jenny will have her baby and fall in love with Joshua, even though I absolutely can't stand the Joshua character (sorry). While I'm on the subject, the only two characters that really seem believable in this story are Rod and Barbi. The rest of the characters seem to be based on false interpretations of people that the author knows. I guess that's the problem of trying to get into the heads of your characters. Sometimes you over do it. If somebody wants a recommendation for this story, I can't really give it in good faith. The concepts of the story are pretty solid, but it's just too long and drawn out and serious to make for an enjoyable read. Read it only if you are in a depressed mood or you can't sleep. Otherwise, there are better and more exciting fictionmania stories to spend your time on. Leviathan
The Wayfarer     Details

Fictionmania was selected by the readers of the International Transgendered Online Magazine for their First Annual Excellence in Transgender Award for 1999. Click on the logo to visit their site. This is an award that must be shared with all the authors, artists, chat moderators, volunteers, people that have sent in images for the random title images and people that have sent in suggestions to make Fictionmania a better site. Thanks and Hugs to everybody that made it possible for Fictionmania to win this award!


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