Gary and Marty were single friends. At a wedding together Marty wished they were getting married. God had enough of him not being happy as a single man. Now Gary and Maria are husband and wife!


Fiction: Something Invented by the Imagination
Mania: Excessive Enthusiasm

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Random Reviews

The beginning really captured my attention, a sole CD on a quest to buy forbidden items - but that could have been taken a lot further. The themes were fairly simplistic. I did like the idea of a teen actually wanting to transition though. Too many stories are about teens being forced to change, and ignore those that know what they want, and have all along. As in all of your stories that I have read, there are a lot of grammar, spelling and or typing, usage errors etc.. the ending was completely rushed and reprehensible. You're writing too many stories at once (15 in the last month = 1 per 2 days) Quantity is good, but unless you're Stephen King you can't keep that pace up and still make a good product.
Robin's Last Stand     Details
This is an absolutely wonderful, sensitive, and exciting story for anyone who has ever had strong feelings about crossing the gender line. What a marvelously delightful insight this young author has. Highly recommended reading. With accolades and hugs, Sharon
Man Maid     Details
I enjoyed this story. I'd like to hear daves story though like him developing and growing-up and how others react and have reacted also his breast size changing and the final full grown size of them.
All Bets Are Final     Details
A lovely story of putting the hi heel on the other foot lol No money in the envelope just a note and the Lady who finances the store is with the mob No money no clothes and mob well looks like position about to come up for an entertainment girl working for the mob after all in some places clothes only get in the way lol Thanks for posting CC looking forward to more from you xxxx Samantha
The TV Shoppe     Details
It would have been better if Pollie remained married to Emily and simply was conditioned to accept the proper role of a manwom. Emily the wom would wear the pants and take the initiative in sex and everything else in their relationship. The world in which they lived would have been altered in this manner as well. The substance of the story would be in revealing all the various "adjustments" that Pollie made in his new life as Emily's housebound. His wife would naturally help him to realize how a manwom should behave in their culture--after she got home from work. Is anyone up to developing the story along such lines? I wouldespecially be interested in seeing how the loving couple's sexual life is transformed. Since the manwom loves his wife, there will bew no homosexuality, but the development of a healthy and happy sexual and personal relationship between a wom and her housebound. There is no need to make a caricature. Just a depiction of the "normal" lives of this couple and their various friends and associates should prove quite interesting for most fictionmania fans. Any real wim or menwim out there ready to do a good job? Alison.
Pretty Polly     Details

Fictionmania was selected by the readers of the International Transgendered Online Magazine for their First Annual Excellence in Transgender Award for 1999. Click on the logo to visit their site. This is an award that must be shared with all the authors, artists, chat moderators, volunteers, people that have sent in images for the random title images and people that have sent in suggestions to make Fictionmania a better site. Thanks and Hugs to everybody that made it possible for Fictionmania to win this award!


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This site will have some very powerful features never found before on any transgendered fiction archive.

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